ベース録りから一週間後の1月23日は僕のギター録音の日。アンプはDay2・Day3で使ったEmery Sounds SuperbabyやSilvertone(Airline)、あとSilverfaceのFender Bassmanも活躍。歪みを作るごとに君島さんセレクトの真空管をセットしてはあれこれやりながら録音完了。ハイライトとしては最後に行ったフィードバックというかノイズというか、の録音。右手にはトライアングルのビーター、左手にはキャビとしてつながっている裸のスピーカー。ギターをビーターでぶっ叩いて、スピーカーを近づけるとピギャー!という音が鳴ります。これをなんとか調整しながら録音する、というカオスなセッションでした(トップ写真はその図)。ヤナガワギターパート終わり!
1 week from the previous bass session, we did guitar tracking for my guitar for the 5 new songs I haven’t got the guitars on. We again used Emery Sounds Superbaby, Silvertone (Airline) amp, Silverface Fender Baseman. Various tubes were selected by Kimijima-san for each songs as we made the guitar clean/drive sounds. At last part of the session, he handed me a small speaker that is used as a amp cabinet on the left hand, and a triangle beater on the right hand. What we did was we hit the guitar with the beater, and made feedbacks by making the distance between guitar pickups and the speaker closer. Crazy noise was tracked beautifully and my guitar part for this album’s session have completed! Hiroko came by after work for about 30 minutes, and did vocal recording for 1 song. The photos taken on this day by Kengo so it seems quite different from other dates.
次のライヴ(Upcoming Shows)
No shows booked at the moment.
You and Me Song (The Wannadies Cover) (MV)
光る舟 (night version) (MV)
What Have You Done (MV)
Hello (MV)
Wandering Ones (MV)
Exploration of the Moon e.p.
Sound of the Air
Wandering Ones
Going For A Lonesome Dream
Recent Posts
- October Tour 2020/10/02
- Exploration of the Moon 2020/07/08
- The Great Beast February 2020/01/26
- V.A. / Sunday Monday発売 2019/12/04
- Sunday Monday compilation pre-release party 2019/11/19
Stage Plot
Our Stage Plot can be found here: