2017.7.24 下北沢 (Shimokitazawa) Three
CAUCUS presents “Sunlight Bathed the Golden Glow”
open 18:30 / start 19:00
adv. 2,000 yen / door 2,300 yen (+1 Drink Charge 600 yen)Band:
Try The Pie *from USA
サーティーン (13)
Matsumoto Loser (Girl President / Bluestars Night)
SXSWでお世話になったインディー・ポップが好きなオースティンの自転車屋さんから、Try the Pieが日本でライヴやりたいみたいなんだけど、と言う話があって、タイミングや日程など色々と調整してみたら、物凄く僕たちとしてもちょうど良くて(なんせちょうど僕らも秋にリリースするアルバムの録音もある程度落ち着き、3年ぶりにライヴができる状態になっていて、下北沢Three側も調整してくれて、、感謝)あれよあれよと企画することとなりました。
Details for the show organized by CAUCUS is announced! It was a good timing when a mutual friend of us mentioned me in SNS that Try the Pie is looking for a show in Tokyo, while we were getting ready for a show in 3 years, and had a good venue booked on that exact date we needed!
そんなカリフォルニア州サンノゼ出身のBeanさんの”Try the Pie”は2007年からSourpatch, Salt Flat, Crabapple, Plumeと言った西海岸のバンドで活動してきた彼女のソロプロジェクト。2015年にはアルバムDomesticationをデトロイトのSalinas Recordsからリリースし、アメリカの西海岸ツアー、東海岸ツアー、そしてフルバンドでの全米ツアーなどをこなし精力的に活動されています。今回はソロでの来日ということですが、透き通って真っ直ぐな歌声と、普遍的な温かみのある楽曲がとても素敵です。
Try the Pie, is a solo project by Bean Kaloni Tupou from San Jose, California, who has also been active since 2007 in such Bay Area bands as Sourpatch, Salt Flat, Crabapple and Plume. Try The Pie put their first full-length album, ‘Domestication’ out on Salinas Records out of Detroit in April of 2015, The album has sparked three tours: a full-band Pacific Northwest tour in March 2015, a solo East Coast tour in August 2015 and a full-band North American tour in October of 2015.
Try The Pie “Thomas” from Anders W Ericsson on Vimeo.
Try The Pie – Thomas from katie krulock on Vimeo.
As we made contacts with Bean, she told me that she knows a member of 13, and we talked that it would be great if we can play all of us together. We asked 13 if they could play and here they are! CAUCUS had played with 13 a few years ago, and we are very happy to see their aggressive and alternative noise again!
そしてTry the Pieの音楽性と、ぴったりなバンド…と考えてすぐに出てきたSmokebees。Sudoくんがちょうどその時期デンマークから帰国している間だと聞いたのでオファーしてこちらも二つ返事でOKいただけました。Smokebeesは2016年夏にアルバムSwimming Souls EPをリリースし、今年7月にはgalaxie trainから新譜カセットをリリース予定のSparklehorseを敬愛する男女宅録ユニット。Mikiちゃんはひろこさんと一緒にGirl Presidentとしても活動していて、実はyngwも音源ではマスタリングで関わっていたりします。
I came up with Smokebees as a good band to play with Try the Pie in their taste of music, and I have heard that Sudo-kun is back in Japan from Denmark for a while so I asked them to play as well. Smokebees is a home recording duo who have a lot of respect to Sparkehorse. They have release Swimming Souls EP last summer and is going to release a new cassette from galaxie train next July. Miki has been playing with Hiroko in band Girl President, and I have mastered their EP as well.
さらには、Mikiちゃんとひろこさんと一緒に GirlPresidentをやっていて、角本加入前に一度CAUCUSも手伝ってもらったベーシストであり、僕とはDJイヴェントBluestars Nightで一緒に毎月DJしていたMatsumoto LoserがDJとして参加してくれることになりました。
Matsumoto Loser, a bassist in Girl President who have also helped CAUCUS out before BJ came in, a DJ from Bluestars Night which I DJed every month as well, will be doing DJ on this show as well.
Though it is Monday night, it is very happy and thankful that everyone is performing in this event. I’m sure it’s going to be a great show!
Related show
- Artist: CAUCUS
- Date: 月曜日, 07/24/2017
- Time: 7:00pm
- City: CAUCUS in Shimokitazawa
- Venue: Three
- Address: 下北沢Three
- Country: Japan
- Admission: adv ¥2,000 / door ¥2,300
- Age restrictions: All Ages
2017.7.24 下北沢 (Shimokitazawa) Three
CAUCUS presents “Sunlight Bathed the Golden Glow”
open 18:30 / start 19:00
adv. 2,000 yen / door 2,300 yen (+1 Drink Charge 600 yen)
CAUCUS / Try The Pie *from USA / サーティーン (13) / Smokebees
Matsumoto Loser (Girl President / Bluestars Night) - Add to Google Calendar | Download iCal
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[…] Golden Glow” open 18:30 / start 19:00 adv. ¥2,000 / door ¥2,300 (+1 Drink Charge ¥600) CAUCUS / Try The Pie *from USA / サーティーン / Smokebees DJ: Matsumoto Loser (Girl President / Bluestars Night) http://caucus.jp/press/archives/2503 […]